Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hospital bag

We are getting our hospital bag prepared. Next thing on the list,

So cute.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


So I come to work the other day and this huge box is sitting in the
dressing room on the counter in my spot.

The cast and crew in Hershey all went in together an bought Megan and
I a stroller!

This is PERFECT! Megan recently had her baby shower. It went
excellent. Many people came to share this exciting time with her. They
all had a great time. Also, we were blessed to receive many amazing
gifts from everyone. It's amazing how blessed we are!

Even with all of the amazing gifts we received, we were still in need
of a few items. The stroller our friends in Hershey gave us is EXACTLY
one of the items we needed!

Thanks you guys so much!!!