Tuesday, December 2, 2008

NYC tomorrow!

Our friend Mike and his family run a theater here in Harrisburg called the Capitol Performing Arts Center. Check it out HERE.

They are one of the first local community theaters in the country to be putting on the "School Edition" of Rent. Very exciting stuff!

Anyway, they are taking a special trip to NYC tomorrow for the cast. They are going to do some filming of the cast hanging out together in NYC. For those of you that have seen Rent, you may remember that Mark is making a film throughout the show. At the end, he projects it on the wall to show his friends the movie he has finished. Many of the shots are of everyone being with each other in different parts of NYC. Our friend Mike thought it would be fun to film the "School Edition" cast in NYC. So when they put on their performance of Rent, the film they project will be them in NYC!

In addition to the filming, they are doing a "tour" of the places in NYC that Rent was inspired from. They will be spending some time in Alphabet City, and checking out some homeless shelters. Also, a close friend of Jonathan Larsen will be giving them a tour of where Jonathan did his research and wrote Rent. We are all having a late lunch at the Life Cafe.

To top it off, we are ALL going to see the musical "In the Heights." Check out the website HERE. It won the Tony for best musical! It's supposed to be AMAZING. Megan and I are THRILLED to be going to see it.

I will be posting things throughout the day, so stay tuned!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have not been to New York in so long!