Friday, February 20, 2009

Who & What?

Well I really think everything happens for a reason. I sometimes wake up in the morning and have to force myself to evaluate things.

I used to preach to my buddy Gabe quite often about figuring out his life. The guy is so talented and has so many things going on. One thing I noticed about him was that he always says YES. Anyone that comes to him to ask a favor or offer him a gig, he says yes yes yes. I used to get on him for that.

Well now I'm doing that!!! I'm starting to drive myself nuts. I can't focus on anything because I have too much going on. So this morning I sat myself down and evaluated what it is I'm doing.

The funny thing is, I decided to fold clothes while I watch The Matrix. This movie is all about finding truth and living in true reality.

I know that is pretty out there, and a strange way to help me get my mind clear. But it has really helped. Besides, I've been able to do a ton of laundry in the meantime. I have been putting it off and it is done done done.

I feel good about many things. I just need to get organized. I'm getting there!

ok back to movie and laundry.