Monday, May 11, 2009

Boy oh Boy oh Boy

Well I have 3 days off this week, and 2 days off next week. At that point, I begin my summer schedule of working 6 days a week. Yay! I am trying to give myself these days off to relax and sort of be a bum. Once my crazy work schedule starts, and once the little bundle of joy arrives, my days off are OVER!

So this morning I REALLY slept in, which felt great. I have some office work to do, and I also need to go to the gym and run a couple errands. I just need to make sure I get all of that done by 4pm. Megan and I are headed to Babies R Us to do some more registering. Whoo Hoo!! I'm actually excited and anxious to get that stuff squared away.

Speaking of getting baby stuff squared away, I need to "move" my office. That's a somewhat big project that needs to happen sooner then later. I should take advantage of these days off and get it done soon!!!

For now, it's time to get things done. I've enjoyed a good amount of time relaxing this morning. Now I need to get moving!


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