First and foremost, my incredible wife. The last 10 years of my life have been....well, for those of you who know me the best, you know how insane it's been! I've been through so much and I've traveled so much. People out here in PA are constantly telling me, "Wow Brian. You sure have lived a full and adventurous life at such a young age." I guess they're right! It's sometimes crazy to think of what the past 10 years have put me through.
Most importantly, I would not change anything. I am happy with who I am today. And who I am today is partly shaped from my previous days. So if I'm happy today, I don't think I would want to change any of my previous days.
Anyways, I'm just happy where I'm at. I used to dream about all the "things" I will have and done by the time I'm 30 years old. Well in 8 months, I will be 30 years old. That is just amazing to me. It feels like I moved into El Konk just yesterday! All the crazy times in those dorms! They were good times. I miss San Diego. I love that city. Now I feel like it will be tomorrow that I'm counting down the month that I turn 40! If these next 10 years go by as fast, I don't know what I will think.
My wife is at her second job right now. We both work 2 jobs to help with saving money. We want a house and a family so bad. But we both know that takes some dinero. Tonight is a rare night that I actually have off. But that all changes starting next week. She is constantly amazing me. She supports me so much, yet keep my feet here in earth. I wish I could balance big dreams and a realistic view on life as she does. How does she do it? She's the best.
Well look at me 10 years ago;

Unfortunately my fashion sense hasn't gotten much better.

I can still get down like I did back then though!
And here I am now.

I wonder what I will look like at 40 years old?
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