I got a call from Louie yesterday. I haven't called him back yet, so if you're reading this Louie, sorry! But I was excited because he mentioned that he reads my blog. Whoo hoo! So maybe there are more than 4 people reading this thing. There's 5!
Oh and if you do read this Louie, yes we got the jingles and they are going on some sticks this coming week. You rock!
Now it's time for Dunkin Donuts. Then Church. Then home to change into more comfy clothes. Then back to Megan's parents house. Then time to eat.
Here is a picture of me and my parents on Easter a few years ago. Mimi & Papa were there! I miss you guys and I love you!

There are now 6 people reading your blog!
We still have tons of snow up here in Maine. TONS.
I have Red Sox season tickets so let me know when you plan on going to Fenway!
Dinner is on me.
Happy Easter!
- Robert Subia
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