I have been cast in a show at Hershey Park! I will be performing on stage ALL summer. I'm VERY excited about it. It has been about 3 years since I have done any performing and I miss it terribly.
I don't know very much about the show yet. But it is a show cenetered around drumming. So I won't be the only guy up there playing the drums. It should be cool!
And here is some other news. Megan and I are FINALLY moving! We found a townhouse. 2 bedrooms, AND a basement with washer and dryer. Holy crap I'm pumped! I never thought I would be this excited about a washer and dryer. I have just been going to laundromats for YEARS. I'm ready to be doing laundry in my won home.
I will be able to have my own office now, which is great. Our kitchen will be much bigger than the one we have now, which is about the size of the trunk of my car.
Oh, quick note. Here is ony way I deal with missing Cali so much. My morning coffee helps me remember home!

Another great thing about our new home is that it is litereally right behind our current apartment. Which means when it's time to move our stuff, we just have to walk it over to the new place! No loading a huge truck or anything like that. Yay!!
This summer is going to prove to be a great great thing. Megan and I have an opportunity to save a bunch of cash. We have so many plans! Things like a house, debt, and babies!!! we would like to have some money to help take care of some of this. But it's in God's hands of course. But we are feeling pretty confident.
Next thing on the list for today. Clean our current home! It's a mess. I think as soon as I realized we were getting a new home, I stopped cleaning up after myself. So I need to get some work done first, then I plan on cleaning the kitchen. Then I plan on going to the gym and kicking my ass.
The plan after that is more work, more cleaning, and maybe a panini. Yes I'm still a little obsessed with panini's.
Ok I'm outta here.
Rock & Roll Forever
I love the coffee cup. When I get to San Francisco in September, I'm going to have to buy one of those.
congrats guys!
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