Not the most glamorous office in the world. But this is where I live for most of the day. I’m working hard to get this business thriving. I’m busy teaching, giving lessons, writing music, paying bills, day dreaming, etc etc.
Right now I am pursuing an organization called SCORE. They provide FREE counseling to small business start ups. Right now my main focus is getting my business plan written. I truly believe that this business is something worth investing in. Right now we focus on Drumline and Colorguard. But I see our focus growing and expanding. I really think it can go into other directions of performance, as well as performance education internationally. The first step in having an investor even consider looking into my business is to have a business plan ready to hand over. I don’t have one! So that part is next.
I find myself getting distracted with so many things going on in the percussion world. The Marching activity is so vast and so busy. So many people involved in so many different areas. It’s hard to keep up! I need to realize that success will come from being around the right people at the right time, and intense focus. I feel like my focus is much more streamlined then it ever used to be. That’s a good thing! But I tend to get distracted during the day. I’m not being distracted by things outside of my work. I’m being distracted by EVERYTHING in the industry!
I look at forums, I listen to other peoples music, I try and get peoples advice. I know that all I do is good. But I am so impatient. I want everything to be happening NOW. I want it all to occur NOW. I guess it’s good that I have all of this energy, but boy I need to have a but more faith in myself.
I wish I had as much faith in me as my wife does. Megan always has this force field of confidence around her. She’s just so sure that our life will be fine, and the business will be fine. She’s so great. Even as I type I smile thinking about how lucky I am.
Wow funny. As I’m posting this blog, my iTunes is on shuffle. Right now it’s playing “The Time They Are A Changin’” by Bob Dylan.
Boy that is very true.......
You are very lucky to have Megan there to keep you encouraged. You have to keep the faith and belief in yourself if you want things to go "perfect". Keep your chin up and your will strong! You have more people than you realize backing you up!
Your dad has always said that the only thing constant in change! I love Bob Dylan...he's right on in that song. And you are right on too!!
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