Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
their right to bear arms.
Is this really what we are becoming. We actually WANT a country where
we carry around weapons and think it's ok?
Do people honestly think it's ok to do this? What in the world will
someone need an automatic weapon for? Protection? Or maybe some
strange power trip.
I was almost done being embarrassed by people in our country. Then I
read this sad article.
I just don't seem to be able to comprehend some people.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Here we are
are waiting for another checkup to occur so we can find out how far
along Megan is.
But all signs are pointing to this baby being born TODAY. Wow!!!
We don't know if we are having a boy or a girl. But that mystery will
finally be answered today!!!
Updates soon!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
dressing room on the counter in my spot.
The cast and crew in Hershey all went in together an bought Megan and
I a stroller!
This is PERFECT! Megan recently had her baby shower. It went
excellent. Many people came to share this exciting time with her. They
all had a great time. Also, we were blessed to receive many amazing
gifts from everyone. It's amazing how blessed we are!
Even with all of the amazing gifts we received, we were still in need
of a few items. The stroller our friends in Hershey gave us is EXACTLY
one of the items we needed!
Thanks you guys so much!!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Blogspot does not make it very easy to edit the layout. So these pictures are not in any particular order. But enjoy!!!!

Here we are on the night we met.
8 months pregnant!!
8 months pregnant!!!
Christmas in California
Dinner in Daytona
Christmas festivities in Hershey
Pirates home opener
San Diego right after we got married
Yay for Cabo!!!! our honeymoon was GREAT.

Engagement photo. Cyndi Klose ROCKS!!!!!
Klose Photography
Tavern on the Green
Another Pirates game
Celebrating Megan graduating from college
Raystown Lake!!!!!
Yay for Hawaii!!! I want to go back!!!
This is a picture from our first date. I love my wife!!!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
At work early
the theatre, listen to relaxing music on my iPod.
It's especially helpful when I'm stressed out!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Boy oh Boy oh Boy
So this morning I REALLY slept in, which felt great. I have some office work to do, and I also need to go to the gym and run a couple errands. I just need to make sure I get all of that done by 4pm. Megan and I are headed to Babies R Us to do some more registering. Whoo Hoo!! I'm actually excited and anxious to get that stuff squared away.
Speaking of getting baby stuff squared away, I need to "move" my office. That's a somewhat big project that needs to happen sooner then later. I should take advantage of these days off and get it done soon!!!
For now, it's time to get things done. I've enjoyed a good amount of time relaxing this morning. Now I need to get moving!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Fun
Check it out!
Today was Easter service at Church. Not many pictures form there. But we did get one of use "dressed" up. Dressed up for me really just means I don't wear jeans.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Too much !!!!!!!!
- Teach high school drumline
- Give LOTS of private lessons
- I have a tiny little camp company, Coast to Coast Performance
- Arrange music for a show at Hersheypark
- Perform at Hersheypark in the summer
Friday, March 20, 2009
other book in the series. She has read most of them, and we went to
see the movie Twilight a few months go. I liked the movie, and Megan
LOVED the movie.
Well the dvs of the movie is being released on March 21st. Megan's
birthday is the 23rd, so naturally I preordered the DVD for her.
The best deal I could find was at Hot Topic. Part of the deal was a
release party. The party is Friday night from 10pm-midnight. At
midnight, everyone can pick up their DVDs.
Even though it's a few days before her birthday, we thought it might
be fun to go to this shin dig and get her DVD.
Holy CRAP! We had a feeling there would be a bunch of teenie boppers
at this thing, and were CORRECT. I must be the oldest person here.
Other then the moms and dads who drove their kids here.
Haha this is too funny. Here is cutie Megan waiting in line!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
World Famous Padres among others
The newest blog added is Brevin's baseball team, the World Famous Padres. They have a sweet blgo set up for their team this season. Very cool stuff, with very funny comments.
Oh, and Megan is starting to show! We will be posting some pictures soon.
Adios for now!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I thought this clip from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart was funny. I'm sure my right wing relatives will feel good seeing this liberal comedian make fun of Barack. It's a really funny clip that I thought you guys would get a kick out of.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Music Lessons
There's a good chance baby isn't hearing a thing. Haha. But it's never
too early!
First thing on the list is "I Want to Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles.
Here it is!

Due date is August 16th. We have known for a while, but were waiting for a few people in our life to know before we announce it to the world. Most of you that read our blog already knew that we were going to be having a baby. But we still wanted to put something up on our blog.
The picture you see above is when Megan was about 9 weeks. She is now 15 weeks. She's starting to show a bit, so that's exciting.
More news to come!!!!!!!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Blackberry & iPhone
Friday, February 20, 2009
Who & What?
I used to preach to my buddy Gabe quite often about figuring out his life. The guy is so talented and has so many things going on. One thing I noticed about him was that he always says YES. Anyone that comes to him to ask a favor or offer him a gig, he says yes yes yes. I used to get on him for that.
Well now I'm doing that!!! I'm starting to drive myself nuts. I can't focus on anything because I have too much going on. So this morning I sat myself down and evaluated what it is I'm doing.
The funny thing is, I decided to fold clothes while I watch The Matrix. This movie is all about finding truth and living in true reality.
I know that is pretty out there, and a strange way to help me get my mind clear. But it has really helped. Besides, I've been able to do a ton of laundry in the meantime. I have been putting it off and it is done done done.
I feel good about many things. I just need to get organized. I'm getting there!
ok back to movie and laundry.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
We've been waiting for the phone call to happen. Well it's finally happened. This morning it happened in fact!
But for now, I will keep you waiting in suspense.
More to come!!!!!!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Just cause
There are so many things happening in our lives right now. This summer should be an interesting one. I've decided to do the Hershey show again. The money is great, the hours are even better, and it's fun to play drums up on stage. Also, I will be close to home.
The camp business is SLOW SLOW SLOW SLOW. This economy sucks. Even if it isn't really that bad, everyone thinks it is. No one wants to spend any extra money. So when I do actually get someone on the phone, they say no thanks. That's if I can actually get someone on the phone. Usually I'm leaving messages all day.
I have gotten into other business ideas though that will assist us staying afloat while we wait for the economy to bounce back. I have my tape sales, which are actually starting to move. I am getting back into the fair and festival market. Interesting fun. Looks like we may have booked an event already. I'm hoping this will be something I help put together, write the show, train drummers, and send them off. I'd like to NOT be on the road. But we shall see how that works out.
My list of things to do is growing to epic proportions. Some things seem a little far fetched. It can be tough at times to get it all done. I have some projects that are so important, but they are long term things that need time dedicated to them. At the same time, I have a million immediate things that keep popping up. It drives me nuts! But, I do what I can.
I've been doing a MUCH better job lately of simply trusting God with everything that comes at us each day. There is a LOT coming at us, and even more on the way. For one of the first times in my life, I'm totally at peace with all of it. At the same time, I find myself more amped, and anxious to get things done. In the past, I would simply be amped and anxious to get things done, while being totally stressed and freaked out the whole time. Or, I would be totally at peace and relaxed, and not want to work at anything. I'm excited for this new me.
I've also been very didicated to the gym. I've been eating well and exercising regularly. I can already feel a big difference. I've even lost some weight. I just need to keep at it!
I'm fortunate to work from home. So I can decide when I'd like to go to the gym. I usually like to get there between 9 & 10. The free weights section tends to be the least crowded at that time. I may be a little late this morning, but that's ok. I'll make it in. I am usually sitting at my desk getting to work around 7:30am or 8am. I work for a bit, head to the gym, come home and have a nice lunch, then get back to work. Usually by early afternoon I start to give lessons. They usually start around 3 or 4pm, and go until 7 or 8pm. That's 2 days a week. I also teach high school drumline 2 nights a week. I usually leave the house around 5:15 and I get home around 9:30pm. This season is going great so far. I've never been so challenged, relaxed, dedicated to drumline in my life. Other then when I was actually marching. I just really enjoy teaching with the other guys. We get along well and feel we are creating a great show for the kids to perform. I'm anxious to see how we do at Championships!
Well it;s time for me to get back to work. This was a nice escape for a few minutes.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Awesome lyrics
I found nothing new
I found nothing pure
Maybe I'm just idealistic to assume that truth
Could be fact and form
That love could be a verb
Maybe I'm just a little misinformed
Sent using Brian's iPhone
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Super Bowl
to be here for a few hours watching the Super Bowl.
This is awesome!!!!!
Oklahoma City
things are going, we should arrive in Memphis no later then 3pm.
Perfect! Just enough time to get checked into the hotel, freshen up,
then watch the Superbowl.
Fun time driving across the country. I've only done this a thousand
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It was freaking awesome seeing a black man sworn in as president. Very cool considering 45 years ago Dr. King was giving a speech on the mall in Washington fighting for equal rights for black people of this country. It's such a cool feeling to see how far we've come as a country. It gives me so much hope that we will continue to move forward with so many other aspects of our politics, economy, social, etc etc. I have faith that we will figure out this health care thing, this climate thing, this gay rights thing, pro life, etc etc. I'm anxious to see where our new President will take us. I really hope things move forward for the better.
I found this picture on the internet and think it's just incredible.