Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Megan and I have been married for two years!!! Yay!!! She is the BEST thing that could ever happen to ANYONE, and I am the lucky guy who is married to her. Yay for me! I have gathered some pictures of us over the last few years to celebrate our anniversary. I love this woman so much I can't even describe it.

Blogspot does not make it very easy to edit the layout. So these pictures are not in any particular order. But enjoy!!!!

Here we are on the night we met.

8 months pregnant!!

8 months pregnant!!!

Christmas in California

Dinner in Daytona

Christmas festivities in Hershey

Pirates home opener

San Diego right after we got married

Yay for Cabo!!!! our honeymoon was GREAT.

Engagement photo. Cyndi Klose ROCKS!!!!!
Klose Photography

Tavern on the Green

Another Pirates game

Celebrating Megan graduating from college

Raystown Lake!!!!!

Yay for Hawaii!!! I want to go back!!!

This is a picture from our first date. I love my wife!!!

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