Sunday, April 26, 2009


Awesome awesome awesome


Kesstan said...

The stores up here have soo much of that stuff....Bottles, baby jackets, pacifiers, cups, bowls...socks....anything you cna think of for babies!

J.Washburn said...

Have you thought of any names yet...?
Here are some recommendations if you are struggling:
1) Big Papi Stockard
2) Green Monster Stockard
3) Ted Williams Stockard
4) Pesky's Pole Stockard
5) Fenway Frank Stockard
6) Jeter Sucks Stockard
7) Bloody Sock Stockard
8) Sweet Caroline Stockard
9) Tessie Your The Only Only Only Stockard
...and my personal favorite...
10) Terry "Tito" Francona Stockard