Monday, July 16, 2007

First Post

Hello all

Well we have decided to join the Blogging world. Hopefully it will be worth it!

We are currently in our 3rd and final week of the honeymoon. We spent out first week in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. It was amazing! We want to go back. Week #2 was spent in Los Angeles at Brian's parents house. Megan's parents flew out from PA to spend the week with us also. It was their first trip to Cali ever! It was a VERY busy week. And a very good one. Week #3 will hopefully be a relaxing one. The only "big" plans we have this week is a trip to Raging Waters. That should be wonderful. I haven't been there in about 10 years and I used to go all the time. I love that place.

Well keep an eye out for a much more exciting Blog. Pictures, etc etc.

Talk to you soon!


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