Sunday, June 15, 2008

Here we are

I don't remember thelast time I posted something lengthy.  It seems I just take pictures and post them on here.  Which is fine.  99% of the time they are taken with my iPhone.  So you are able to see what I am up to during the day.  

This thursday we head to the Stockard Reunion down in Tennessee.  I'm looking forward to it for a number of reasons.  Seeing my family is #1.  It's been forever!!!!!  But I'm also getting a solid 5 days off.  It will be nice to get away and not work for a few days.  That's always nice.

Megan and I are finishing up our morning tasks and we're about to head to Dunkin Donuts.  We dod this every single Sunday morning.  And I actually havn't gotten sick of it.  I usually can't stand routine.  I don't like doing the same thing every single day or the same thing every single week.  I guess it all depends what it is.  Playing drums every single day?  I can do that.  Eating Dunkin Donuts every single Sunday morning?  I guess I don't mind that either!

Well adios for now people!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm Dunkin donuts! My favorite!