Monday, October 20, 2008

Fun Day

Megan and I spent last Friday in Washington, DC. I have been wanting to go to DC ever since I moved here. We live in a tiny little town in Pennsylvania, but we are only a few short hours away from......EVERYTHING! 3 hours from Pittsburgh, 3 hours from NYC, 2 hours from Baltimore, 2 hours from Philly, and 2 hours from DC. We never go anywhere!!!!!

So Friday, we took the day off, and decided to drive down to DC for some sightseeing. It was a blast. Our legs and feet were killing us by the end of the day. We figured we walked about 2 million miles that day. But, it was worth it. The Fall weather was perfect. We loved every minute of it. We've already decided what we want to do next time we go!

I've posted a TON of pictures here for you to enjoy. Well, for those of you that read this blog.

Hope all is well with everyone!

This is something you don't really get in Los Angeles.

The friendliest squirrels are in DC! They are also the fattest.


View from where we had lunch. Lincoln Memorial. We ate at a small little cafe right in the park next to the Mall. The view from our outside table was perfect! Our lunch, well, not very balanced. Trail mis, Gatorade, and a chocolate chip cookie.


Puts things into perspective

On the walk to the museum

More friendly squirrels!!!!

Cool shot of the Lincoln Memorial and the Reflecting Pool

From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

We were trying to figure out what exact steps Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn sat on for Wedding Crashers.

More perspective

Waking through a park

Washington Monument

House where lots of decisions are made (some bad ones!!!)

More walking in the park

Pond right next to the WWII Memorial

WWII Memorial


Natalie said...

Looks like you had a great time. It is so beautiful there. I haven't been to DC since I was 12 or something. Glad you're enjoying life. Taking Fridays off is the best!

Anonymous said...

I love DC!
the last time I went was in high school for about a week and it was a blast! I can't wait to take the kids there some time!

The Smiths said...

Beautiful pictures! Looks like a wonderful time together. We can't wait to come visit you someday and take the kids out to DC from your place.