Saturday, February 23, 2008

My thoughts

I miss the Supertones

Their lyrics are filled with honesty and struggle.

I find their lyrics fill my thoughts on a daily basis.

Refuge ( In Conclusion)

Share this brief quiet moment with me.
Let the lights and smoke all fade away.
There's nothing left but Jesus,
And no one left but you.
Where will you go from here?

Welcome to the end of time well spent.
I hope the words I'm singin' find you well.
But, don't miss the message.
There's no greater truth.
Take refuge in His heart.

Sure Shot

I wanna do the right thing.
I wanna be the sure shot.
I wanna have my mind straight.
I wanna have my point got.
I wanna be a good man,
I wanna have my act down.
I wanna be the future
And I wanna be right now.

Sometimes I feel
Like I can change the world.
But I don’t know where to start.
I dig and come up empty,
Clutching an empty heart.

I wanna see a life change.
I wanna see a new man.
I wanna fight the good fight.
I wanna take the right stand.
I wanna be like Jesus.
I wanna pour my heart out.
I wanna pick my cross up.
I wanna hear the mob shout.

I’m wide awake
And thinking about the cross,
The trinity apart.
I dig and come up empty,
Clutching an empty heart.

Boy I hope I can do all of this. I struggle so much!

Time to get to work......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's thy. it's been awhile. congrats on the marriage.

and i miss the tones too.