Friday, February 15, 2008


Have any of you ever checked out It's great! They sell one product, just one, every day. Each day is a different product. But they only sell one product. And once it sells out, you have to wait till the next day to see what's next for sale.

The cool thing is that it's super cheap! Some times the deal are decent, and sometimes they are awesome!

Well I had the pleasant surprise of discovering what they call a Woot-Off. They sell itmes super quick, and the moment it sells out, they put a new product up. So far the deals today have been amazing! I wanted to buy these Noise Canceling Earphones made by JBL. They were only selling them for $8! But, I was too late.

Go check it out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... have you ever heard of "Big Crumbs"?