Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Bowl

Well the children of the world learned a valuable lesson this past Sunday. Cheaters never win!!!!!!

As much as I love the Red Sox, I have to admit that I am NOT a Patriots fan. Part of this is by default. Megan and her family are HUGE Steelers fans. So that makes me a Steelers fan. They happen to dispise the Patriots. So even if I was a Patriots fan, I would lie and say I wasn't because of fear for my life!

Football has never been my favorite sport. I do enjoy watching the games. But it's not like baseball. The past 5 or 6 years I have become such a huge Red Sox fan. Especially since 2003. Yes yes yes, I was a fan BEFORE they won the World Series in 2004. I just don't get into football the same way.

Also, my parents are big Peyton Manning fans. He went to UT. So they were sort of rooting for his little brother, Eli. So I guess I thought it would be cool if the brothers won back to back. And they did. So that's exciting for them!

As far as the Patriots cheating, I guess the right thing happened. But who knows what the real story is. I mean, maybe the Patriots were the team that got CAUGHT cheating. I'm sure other teams have done and maybe still do tape other teams. Who knows. Regardless, I'm glad the Giants won.

But now the real suspense sets in. Spring Training!!!!! It's coming up. I can't WAIT!!!!!

Go Red Sox!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have obviously been hiding under a rock for the last couple days... because I have no idea what all this talk of cheating is about.