Thursday, November 6, 2008

My wife and I

I was looking through pictures on my iPhone and I came across this
awesome picture. I've always loved this picture, but I especially and
drawn to it after these past couple days.

This picture represents what I think Megan and I should do. Just walk
away. My wife gave me a pep talk, and suggested that I just let
opinions be opinions.

We just need to try and live with the fact that there are people in
this country who truly only think of themselves. They have no interest
in trying to help others get back on their feet.

It's amazing how much I've been thinking about all of this. It all
started when a family member told me that I've condemned God and that
I'm going to Hell. I never realized that being a part of a team that
is focusing on helping people get back on their feet would be my
ticket to Hell.

I'm also stunned at people I'm close with sticking by issues that they
have done ZERO research on.

Ya know, it is possible to live in the greatest country in the world,
and still have MANY things to improve upon. It's also possible to live
in the greatest country in the world, and have plenty learn from other

I love all of my friends and family. There have been a few moments
over the past few days that have caused me to be pretty embarrassed to
be related to them.

Ok that's it. I will just pray for my family that they do some
research so they can really understand that health care is a SERIOUS
issue, the war is a SERIOUS issue, and this country needs some serious
change. Even John McCains last TV ad talked about how the McCain
administration will bring the change this country needs.

Ok back to work!


Anonymous said...

I am glad that Megan is there to give you "pep talks". They can really help!

The Smiths said...

Yes, opinions need to be sometimes left alone. One thing I want to add is that if you are calling people selfish and saying they only think of themselves just because they see a different solution to a problem than you do, then you are acting no differently than your brother who said you were condemning God for voting for the way you voted. People make sacrifices to help others in many ways, and I know most of the people you are talking about have travelled to other countries to helpe others, served food to the poor, given money to the poor, and give regularly to their churches who run programs for all those things. So let's just remember that we are all loving and giving people who want to go about it in different ways.

Anonymous said...

charity should start at home, not other countries. we should help the ones in our home land

The Smiths said...

(to anonymous) Yes. I wasn't listing those in priority order. So, first locally and regularly and then abroad if possible.

Stockard said...

Yo yo yo

My wife is just awesome. I have such a better outlook on all of this now. I think it's pretty awful that you think I'm no different then my brother who told me I'm condemning God. I don't think that's the case at all. I don't have a problem with him telling me that he has a different opinion. He can even say he thinks I need to research more so I truly understand what it is I voted for. But to tell me I'm going to hell for it......that's very different. So I think you're very wrong there.

I also see what you mean about people I know that give to churches that go out and help others. You're totally correct about that. I'm sorry for not putting that into perspective. That's a HUGE gift that I'm embarrassed for not recognizing.

I also gave a lot of thought about health insurance. You mentioned that you have an "extra" $458 a month. That is more then enough to pay for health insurance for you and your family.

I can't even begin to count the amount of people I have met that $458 doesn't even begin to cover what they need. Don't forget, you're 36 years old and healthy. You don't have many health expenses right now. But when you get much older, and are in need of prescription drugs, and frequent visits to a doctor, you will see that $458 a month is NOTHING. I have a very close friend who is only 60 years old. He owns his own business and pays for his own health insurance. For him and his wife, he is paying over $700 per month. He has come to the realization that he will never get to truly retire. That's a rough spot, and I'm MORE than willing to give my share so he can have health insurance until he dies.

It's interesting because he's a registered Republican. Yet he voted for Obama.

The most frustrating part is that my friend is actually wealthy. He can afford the $700 per month for health insurance.

What happens with the guys who are the same age, but get laid off because of the struggling economy? They lose their health insurance. When they get a new job, they are denied coverage because of a pre existing condition. How is that ok? I think they deserve to have care, regardless of what condition they used to or currently have. Am I willing to help pay for that in the form of taxes? Of course I am!!!!

Also, under McCain's health plan, he would have taxed health care benefits. I have a friend who works for a trucking company and we were discussing this exact topic. He discovered that the company he works for pays $12,000 per year for his health insurance. They spend $12,000 on him and just him. Under McCain's health plan, he would have now been taxed on that $12,000 as if it was income. McCain would have offered a $5,000 credit, but obviously that would not have covered the $12,000 that's being spent. How is that helping? That's hurting!

Ok last point I promise. Anonymous mentioned that the charity and help should start at home. I agree!!!! George Bush's policy,, and it would have been the same policy under McCain, was to give tax BREAKS to companies that ship job overseas. Obama will give corporate tax credit to those companies that create jobs here in the United States. If you ask me, that is starting at home. McCain was doing nothing of the sort.

Again, you are totally correct about my family member who voted for McCain that do charity work and give to others. I was way out of line by calling everyone selfish. My apologies. But I think the work we do for others needs to go beyond just the offering plate at church or the homeless cookout we do downtown. There needs to be bigger and stronger help. You're correct, that it does start small and at home. But we can do so much more for our country if we are willing to look beyond ourselves and the bigger picture.

That was a huge response. Sorry for that!

Anonymous said...

WOW! That was AWESOME Brian!