Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Too much !!!!!!!!

It's days like this that make me wonder why I choose to work as a "freelance music business" guy. I mean, is that even a real career? Here's what I do:
  • Teach high school drumline
  • Give LOTS of private lessons
  • I have a tiny little camp company, Coast to Coast Performance
  • Arrange music for a show at Hersheypark
  • Perform at Hersheypark in the summer
Honestly, is this even a real career? Is this something I can build a solid future on? The only thing I'm involved with that has potential to be something cool woudl be my camp company. But that is doing AWFUL this year. no one wants to spend money on anything. It's brutal.

I have given thoughts to pursuing something with Hershey. It's here in Central PA, and I think I would be really good at it. Hmm......who knows.

But for now, I will get back to my "not so real" career. I have way too much to do today. Like everyday, I put WAY to much on me to get done.

Time to write music, get on the phone, and continue exchanging emails with weaver about indoor. It's amazing how much indoor drumline has consumed my life. I never thought I would be this in to it. But I must say, I enjoy it!

Friday, March 20, 2009


Some of you may know, Megan is a fan of the book Twilight and the
other book in the series. She has read most of them, and we went to
see the movie Twilight a few months go. I liked the movie, and Megan
LOVED the movie.

Well the dvs of the movie is being released on March 21st. Megan's
birthday is the 23rd, so naturally I preordered the DVD for her.

The best deal I could find was at Hot Topic. Part of the deal was a
release party. The party is Friday night from 10pm-midnight. At
midnight, everyone can pick up their DVDs.

Even though it's a few days before her birthday, we thought it might
be fun to go to this shin dig and get her DVD.

Holy CRAP! We had a feeling there would be a bunch of teenie boppers
at this thing, and were CORRECT. I must be the oldest person here.
Other then the moms and dads who drove their kids here.

Haha this is too funny. Here is cutie Megan waiting in line!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

World Famous Padres among others

This post is to simply encourage all of you to check out the links to the left. They are blogs of friends of mine, family, etc. They are MUCH more entertaining then my boring blog. From my brother Matt's manipulating children, to Washburn's top 5 lists, to my brother Brad and his busy life in the granite state, etc etc. There are people from many different parts of the country represented here. I think Natalie is in Utah, brothers in California, New Hampshire, friends in PA and MO, and more!

The newest blog added is Brevin's baseball team, the World Famous Padres. They have a sweet blgo set up for their team this season. Very cool stuff, with very funny comments.


Oh, and Megan is starting to show! We will be posting some pictures soon.

Adios for now!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I have some family members who are not to supportive of our President. We, as a family, have done a good job of keeping politics out of conversation over the last couple months. That's a good thing! Well, most of us have been good at keeping it out of conversation.

I thought this clip from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart was funny. I'm sure my right wing relatives will feel good seeing this liberal comedian make fun of Barack. It's a really funny clip that I thought you guys would get a kick out of.
