Thursday, March 19, 2009

World Famous Padres among others

This post is to simply encourage all of you to check out the links to the left. They are blogs of friends of mine, family, etc. They are MUCH more entertaining then my boring blog. From my brother Matt's manipulating children, to Washburn's top 5 lists, to my brother Brad and his busy life in the granite state, etc etc. There are people from many different parts of the country represented here. I think Natalie is in Utah, brothers in California, New Hampshire, friends in PA and MO, and more!

The newest blog added is Brevin's baseball team, the World Famous Padres. They have a sweet blgo set up for their team this season. Very cool stuff, with very funny comments.


Oh, and Megan is starting to show! We will be posting some pictures soon.

Adios for now!


J.Washburn said...

Thanks for the advertisement, man! I checked out the World Famous Padres... very cool. Take it easy... oh, but not too easy... you're having a baby!!!!

matthew smith said...

yo yo yo!
thanks for the love on your blog. glad to see that we are bringing a little joy to the world.

