Saturday, August 9, 2008


Well tonight I have the night off. Megan and I plan to have a peaceful evening of food, and movies. I'm looking forward to it. This Monday is the beginning of band camp. Oh boy. That's the beginning of when drumline takes over my life. Man I wish teaching drumline actually paid well. We are doing a wonderful service for these young people. It's so rewarding to watch them become young adults. It feels great to have parents come up to me and tell me I was a big part of why their son became a man. It's just great. But of course, that doesn't pay the bills. I use to think that it would or should. But....well I have learned my lesson.

I have some things in the works. Please pray that they will all turn out. I'm so faithful and nervous all at the same time! Nutty.

I miss the beach.

Ok time to go. Adios for now.


Anonymous said...

We are crossing our fingers for you!

Unknown said...

I miss you missing the beach! I "loaned" your boogie board to Brevin...he was so excited to have Uncle Brian's board and promised to take really good care of it!
