Monday, September 1, 2008

Way too long.....

It has been too long since I've posted on this blog. I find myself updating my status on Facebook 3-4 times a day! I miss blogging. It might be because there are many more people that check my Facebook page then take the time to visit my blog. But then again, why should I even care who reads my blog. It's more about me having a place to just speak speak speak.

Megan and I have some friends coming over tonight. We are grilling up some marinated chicken and some burgers. My show at Hershey will only be on weekends now. After September 27th, I won't be performing at Hershey until next April. Even though our show was sloppy at times, I had a BLAST performing again. I love it. I think I'm actually sort of good at it.

Well people will be arriving any minute. I'm going to head downstairs, watch a little football while I wait.

I'm so anxious for so many things to happen over the next few months. I pray they do happen. :-)

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