Friday, October 12, 2007

See!! No Sleep!!

Boy oh boy have I been NOT sleeping since I last posted. It's 7am here at work. I really need to get out there and "manage" these ladies I direct. Finally I have a group of ladies I can stand! I know that's awful to say, but it has been tough the past couple years. Once Monday is over, October is halfway over! It's amazing! I was very anxious to add to my blog because I have so much to say. Of course, I have NO time to post any pictures or video about the past few days. Which have included a drive to Madison Wisconsin and back in 2 days, a couple of 13 hour work days, and staring at my beautiful wife. Crap she's awesome. If anyone can be HALF as lucky as me, you will have a full and wonderful life.

Ok I need to go. Hopefully I will be able to add some more excitement on this blag later.


(I'm almost there! I can taste my home office!)

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