Monday, April 14, 2008

5 days have gone by

I started rehearsals at Hershey 5 days ago.  It feels like I have been there for about 5 weeks!  The first day was rough, but the last 4 days have been going much better.  I feel good about where the show is going.

I have been asked to design and write some drum "feature" type stuff for this show.  I'm really excited about the opportunity.  I really want to pursue this as another part of my drumming career.  I presented some stuff I came up with today and I got some great feedback.  I hope they all like it!  They seem to.  So that's good.  I'm just so nervous about it for some reason.  I really want the producers to REALLY like what I come up with.  I want them to walk away and say to themselves, "We need to remember to call Brian next time we have drumming in our shows!"

Well I have the next 2 days off from Hershey.  I need it.  I was getting a little burnt out.  

Right now the Red Sox are on TV.  They are playing the Indians and they are losing.  4-1.  Sucks!!!  But at least they beat the Yankees last night.  It's always a great day when the Red Sox win, and when the Yankees lose.  And when the Red Sox beat the Yankees, it's a WONDERFUL day!!!

Time to sit on the couch, enjoy some coffee, and watch the game.


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