Thursday, April 17, 2008

Back to work!

Rehearsals are from 10-6 for the next 4 days.  Monday we have rehearsal, but it is split into two 4 hour blocks.  So 5 days of getting this show together.  We made some good strides during the first 5 days.  We started slow, and by the middle of the second day, we were on track.

The next number we need to work is the Battery Battle.  I'm a little uneasy right now about it.  They've asked me to write it, but I don't know what equipment we will be playing on, and I foudn out that we will be playing to a click track during the opening solos.  That is just strange to me.  A solo to a click track.  It's going to be strange to play a rudimental solo on snare drum and I have to stick to the same tempo through out the entire tune.  And even if I am able to change tempo, I have to do it after the same exact number of measures every single time we perform it.  The light show is programed into a computer and is done automatically with the click track.  So that means the music we play can NEVER change.  For every part of the show, this is a good thing.  But for the solo sections at the top of Battery makes me nervous.

But I guess we will see what happens today!  So far the producer and director have been very very cool.  So I'm not worried.

Break a butt crack!!!

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