Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The times they are a changin.....

This summer is turning out to be VERY different than what I had expected. It's not really worse or better. Right now it's tough to tell. If I had to guess, it will turn out to be a better summer than I thought. My business is not nearly as far along as I had expected it would be. I will be lucky to match what I did last summer. I was expecting to have at least doubled what I did last year. It just didn't work out that way.

I have been able to pin point some things that may help for next year. I think I know what I need to do in order to be more successful. It will be fun to get it all together. But it's also pretty nerve racking!

I'm starting to see my career turn towards my past. It's kind of exciting. I have new and interesting aspects to this career I have chosen as a drummer. But some aspects of my past life are starting to come back. I'm getting involved with Theme Park entertainment again. I'm also about to do some more corporate stuff. And I'm even getting a little involved with professional sports again. Maybe I will get to meet Shaq in a hotel lobby in Salt Lake City again! Who knows.

I'm still pretty nervous about it though.

But tonight is all about lessons. My first is at 4:30 and I'm done at 9pm. Long night. And tomorrow is another long day. I'm looking forward to tomorrow at around 8pm. That is when my day is done. And to make it even sweeter, I will be with my wife. Who rocks!

I don't have any pictures to share right now. I haven't taken many lately. I'll try to post something interesting later!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well....sounds like you have a lot of exciting things that are going are. Professional sports??? Are we talking the NBA where you could get your parents tickets???
