Thursday, November 15, 2007

Weekend Free?!?!

Well it looks like I will have my first free weekend since.....crap since forever!  Yay!  I'm taking full advantage of it.  Well, not really.  Megan and I have a bunch to do.  And we're having her parents over for dinner Saturday night.  So that should be fun.  
I still can't believe that Brad and Kesstan are going to have a baby.  I haven't thought about it in a while, but today I thought about it.  Maybe that's because I keep thinking about Megan and I having children.  We are both so anxious!  I can't wait.  I just REALLY hope and pray that the camp do wonderful next summer.  I have a ton of work to do.  Build a website, build a database, create newsletters, make a zillion phone calls, etc etc.  I wish I could get started NOW!

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